How to promote Instagram

Is promotion on Instagram free and on your own — real? Yes! But don’t expect to have very many, 50,000 «live» subscribers in a month. In the best case, if you try very hard, you can recruit 1000-3000 people per month to your account using free methods (if you are not a star or you were promoted by a large account). And this is all without cheating! Your main investment will be your time and effort.

You cannot forget about free methods, even when you are doing paid advertising for promotion on Instagram. We need beautiful photos and videos, interesting texts. To design posts in the same style, you can use programs for Instagram.

What are the methods of self-promotion of an Instagram account for free?

To get «live» subscribers without cheating, they most often use: Statistics, Hashtags, SFS, interactive (polls, contests, etc.), viral content, Stories, other social networks and, of course, high-quality content (without it, you can not take up the promotion, because then there is nothing to untwist).

Less obvious, but very important elements for free promotion: keywords in the title and description, geotags, content design, comments in promoted accounts, offline promotion.

Let us examine all these methods in more detail.

Keywords in the name and description of the account

Key words in the title («Username») and description («About me») of the account can be important for promotion in natural search on Instagram. Keywords are the words by which potential subscribers can find you. For a clothing and accessories store — dresses, bags, shoes. For a flower shop — flowers, bouquets. Etc. And for bloggers, the important thing is a name (if you are already promoted a little) or an emotionally «catchy» phrase. You can get comments on instagram on the pages of our site.

You can also use Emodzi to attract attention. But don’t overdo it! Too many Emoji have the same effect as «!!!» at the end of every second sentence.

Previously, it was enough to clearly define the topic of the blog, write who you are and what you do / what the blog is about. Most already popular bloggers and celebrities often write only their name and ad manager contacts.

But for beginners, it definitely doesn’t work! You need to come up with an account description that will make your blog unique and evoke emotions. Write down what makes you different from other beauty bloggers or clothing stores. Choose the most successful and catchy phrases.

Hashtags for promotion on Instagram

Hashtags (#) for promotion on Instagram used to be able to give an additional 20-30 subscribers per day, for free. But this is no longer as effective for posts. But for free promotion on Instagram through Stories — yes! If you are a completely newbie, then the extra 10-500 views will be noticeable for you. Will there be subscriptions from this? Think for yourself — in which case will you subscribe to the author of Stories from hashtags?

It has been noticed that videos, not photos, most often get into Stories by hashtags. And if you put only one hashtag, not 10, and change it periodically, this will also increase the number of views.


In addition to hashtags, do not forget to indicate geolocation (Geotags), use popular places (best of all, where your customers can go)! For example, online stores (clothing, cosmetics, etc.) geolocate famous cafes / bars / beauty salons, etc.

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